The origin of hindsight is in 1806, "backsight of a firearm," from hind (adj.) + sight (n.). Meaning "a seeing what has happened, a seeing after the event what ought to have been done" is attested by 1862, American English, (in proverbial "If our foresight was as good as our hindsight, it would be an easy matter to get rich"), probably formed as a humorous opposition to older foresight (q.v.).
Businesses can decide which line of "sight" is the best for business. Choose either foresight, insight, or hindsight. All choices of "sight" are interesting. Foresight is closer to predicting decisions. Insight enables us to look deeper into the decision making process. Hindsight enables us to learn from our decisions. As the proverb above implies, foresight is richer than hindsight. Win the decision or learn from a failure. There is beauty in a failure. There are riches in foresight.
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