Brand is from Old English brand, brond "fire, flame, destruction by fire; firebrand, piece of burning wood, torch," and (poetic) "sword," from Proto-Germanic *brandaz "a burning" (source also of Old Norse brandr, Old High German brant, Old Frisian brond "firebrand; blade of a sword," German brand "fire"), from PIE root *gwher- "to heat, warm." Meaning "iron instrument for branding" is from 1828. Meaning "mark made by a hot iron" (1550s), especially on a cask, etc., to identify the maker or quality of its contents, broadened by 1827 to marks made in other ways, then to "a particular make of goods" (1854).
Brand identification is one of the five decision drivers. It does make sense. Where there is fire and burning there is action and decision. Shaping the brand is part of the customer experience. The customer experience shapes the brand as an artist shapes a sculpture. Branding is an art and a science. Customer experience in our culture is becoming increasingly science based. AI and blockchain are shaping future interactions with brands. Branding 2019 is very different from branding 1500.
Experienced brand, interact and intersect, follow the compass