March 17, 2019

The term regulate is from early 15c., "adjust by rule, control," from Late Latin regulatus, past participle of regulare "to control by rule, direct," from Latin regula "rule, straight piece of wood," from PIE root *reg- "move in a straight line," with derivatives meaning "to direct in a straight line," thus "to lead, rule." Meaning "to govern by restriction" is from 1620s.

Regtech is short for regulatory technology and was created to solve challenges in the burgeoning financial tech (Fintech) industry. Regtech is a combination of SaaS (Software as a Service) platforms working in the cloud. Regtech works as a collaboration between financial companies and regulatory bodies to utilize cloud computing and big data. Regtech tools use AI to monitor transactions thus lowering the probability for money laundering, cyber attacks, and data breaches. Let's keep the bad guys away from our fun.


Carve a piece of wood, create a flow of patterns, grains of transactions