July 1, 2020

The term money is from the mid-13c., monie, "funds, means, anything convertible into money;" c. 1300, "coinage, coin, metal currency," from Old French monoie "money, coin, currency; change" (Modern French monnaie), from Latin moneta "place for coining money, mint; coined money, money, coinage," from Moneta, a title or surname of the Roman goddess Juno, near whose temple on the Capitoline Hill money was coined (and in which perhaps the precious metal was stored); from monere "advise, warn, admonish."

Money is a component of transactions. InGoMo or information, goods, and money define commerce. Payments and money work hand in glove to complete transactions. The future of payments and money is hotly contested. How does cryptocurrency fit into payments and money? Virtual money and physical money. Do people still use physical money? Opportunities exist to enhance InGoMo.


Memories in time, future returns to present, becoming the past