The term influence is from the late 14c., an astrological term, "streaming ethereal power from the stars when in certain positions, acting upon character or destiny of men," from Old French influence "emanation from the stars that acts upon one's character and destiny" (13c.), also "a flow of water, a flowing in," from Medieval Latin influentia "a flowing in" (also used in the astrological sense), from Latin influentem (nominative influens), present participle of influere "to flow into, stream in, pour in," from in- "into, in, on, upon."
The ability to influence is an essential leadership skill and can have an impact on the behaviors, attitudes, opinions, and choices of others. Influence is not to be confused with power or control. It's not about manipulating others to get your way. Communicate, logical reasoning, problem analysis, assertiveness, interpersonal skills, and friendliness are good tools to create influence.
Emanating truth, influencing behavior, ethereal force