December 20, 2021

The term adapt is from the early 15c."to fit (something, for some purpose)," from Old French adapter (14c.), from Latin adaptare "adjust, fit to," from ad "to" (see ad-) + aptare "to join," from aptus "fitted."

 We are constantly fitting into a purpose. Fit into a new job. Fit into a new family. Who moved my cheese? To adapt is much more difficult then we think. Change is a rewiring of our life. A rewiring of our brain. Adapting is a crucial skill in your portfolio. 

Conception of way, emotional sigh of hope, forest of mirrors









We are constantly fitting into a purpose. Fit into a new job. Fit into a new family member. Who moved my cheese? To adapt is much more difficult then we think. Change is a rewiring of our life. A rewiring of our brain. Adapting is a crucial skill in your portfolio. & Conception of way, emotional sigh of hope, forest of mirrors